30. Evaluation Metrics

Nd113 C7 46 L Evaluation Metrics


The accuracy of a classification model is found by comparing predicted and true labels. For any given image, if the predicted_label matches thetrue_label, then this is a correctly classified image, if not, it is misclassified.

The accuracy is given by the number of correctly classified images divided by the total number of images. We’ll test this classification model on new images, this is called a test set of data.

Test Data

Test data is previously unseen image data. The data you have seen, and that you used to help build a classifier is called training data, which we've been referring to. The idea in creating these two sets is to have one set that you can analyze and learn from (training), and one that you can get a sense of how your classifier might work in a real-world, general scenario. You could imagine going through each image in the training set and creating a classifier that can classify all of these training images correctly, but, you actually want to build a classifier that recognizes general patterns in data, so that when it is faced with a real-world scenario, it will still work!

So, we use a new, test set of data to see how a classification model might work in the real-world and to determine the accuracy of the model.

Misclassified Images

In this and most classification examples, there are a few misclassified images in the test set. To see how to improve, it’s useful to take a look at these misclassified images; look at what they were mistakenly labeled as and where your model fails. It will be up to you to look at these images and think about how to improve the classification model!